DVA Transportation Roundtable Sketches

DVA Transportation Roundtable Sketches

24 Nov DVA Transportation Roundtable Sketches

During the course of our roundtable series, we collected a lot of information about peoples aspirations and hopes for a connected MetroCore area. This information was recorded on our MetroCore Quilt boards. When reviewing the game boards, we realized that they only captured a part of the rich tapestry of information that was discussed.

With this in mind, we asked DVA Board Member, Derek Lee, a Principal and landscape architect at PWL to sketch out the ‘big ideas’ that emerged from each roundtable. These drawings add another dimension to the record of ideas and by telling the story of our discussions in a visual way.

DVA Sketch - Housing & Affordability

Roundtable #1: Housing & Affordability

DVA Sketch - Public Spaces

Roundtable #2: Public Space

DVA Sketch - Vibrant Neighbourhoods

Roundtable #3: Vibrant Neighbourhoods

DVA Sketch - Jobs & Innovation

Roundtable #4: Jobs and Innovation

DVA Sketch - Community & Culture

Roundtable #5: Community and Culture

DVA Sketch - Health & Environment

Roundtable #6: Health and Environment

DVA Sketch - Transportation

Roundtable #7: Transportation