DVA Transporation Rountable MetroCore Quilt Boards

DVA Metrocore Transportation Rountables Quilt

15 Nov DVA Transporation Rountable MetroCore Quilt Boards

The purpose of the DVA Transportation Roundtables was to develop a shared discourse regarding city building and transportation infrastructure in the Vancouver’s MetroCore.

The “MetroCore Quilt” Process

Participants in each of our seven workshops discussed and developed ideas over a “MetroCore Quilt” game board. The informal nature of this tool enabled a more open discussion. The participants e given the task of defining their understandings, aspirations and fears on selected topics connected to  transportation.  There were no ‘winners’ or losers; the goal was to collaboratively develop and record as many ideas as the group provided.

Throughout the course of the workshop, the original ‘fast brain’ ideas brainstormed by the participants were shared and discussed through a more “slow brain” or contemplative process that resulted into 3 or 4 “big ideas” that were presented as the main product of the session. The underlying goal was to advance a shared understanding between potentially disparate but influential groups about transportation in the MetroCore as a key part of city building. Ideally it was be as much of a learning exercise for the individual participants and it is for the DVA.

Here are some photographs of the seven completed quilt board. You will notice that despite going through the same process, and talking about the same overriding issue, each board is unique—just like the squares of a quilt.

Roundtable #1 Board: Housing & Affordability

Roundtable #1: Housing & Affordability


Roundtable #2 Board: Public Space

Roundtable #2: Public Space


DVA Quilt board 3 - Vibrant Neighbourhoods

Roundtable #3 – Vibrant Neighbourhoods


Roundtable 4: Jobs and Innovation

Roundtable #4: Jobs and Innovation


DVA Quilt Board 5 - Community and Culture

Roundtable #5: Community and Culture


DVA Quilt board 6 - Health and Environment

Roundtable #6: Health and Environment


DVA Quilt board 7 - Transportation

Roundtable #7: Transportation