“t’s not too late! You can still get ballots into one of 9 Voting offices. Don’t miss the train or be told Sorry-Bus-Full. #yesfortransit #cutcongestion #vanpoli #bcpoli

28 May “t’s not too late! You can still get ballots into one of 9 Voting offices. Don’t miss the train or be told Sorry-Bus-Full. #yesfortransit #cutcongestion #vanpoli #bcpoli

“t’s not too late! You can still get ballots into one of 9 Voting offices. Don’t miss the train or be told Sorry-Bus-Full. #yesfortransit #cutcongestion #vanpoli #bcpoli

Posted by: dva_metrocore

Tagged: cutcongestion bcpoli yesfortransit vanpoli