Tranportation Roundtable Emerging Theme: Across the Board Investments

Across the Board Investments

17 Nov Tranportation Roundtable Emerging Theme: Across the Board Investments

Throughout the seven roundtables, there were several ideas that resonated across groups. Out of these, we were able to identify three central themes.  The first theme that we identified is the elephant in the room—the need for across the board investments in our transportation system. This cant be continued as a turf war for control, or (literally) passing the buck between levels of government.  Rather it needs to be a deeper consideration of strategic investments for the broadest public benefits.

Here are some of the ideas that were shared around the need for across the board investment in our transportation system:

Roundtable 1: Housing and Affordability

  • We need to value affordability systems rather than cash value of bare land transfer
  • Who owns what and what form does it take?

Roundtable 2: Pubic Spaces

  • A solid investment in public transit is actually an  investment in all modes

Roundtable 3: Vibrant Neighbourhoods

  • Transportation’s role as an economic driver.

Roundtable 4: Jobs and Innovation

  • Transportation’s role as an economic driver.

Roundtable 5: Community and Culture

  • Shift our transportation investment consistently &/or increasingly toward alternatives;
  • Moving people with efficiency and a positive experience.

Roundtable 6: Health and Environment

  • Public spaces that are conciliatory and convivial that meet diverse needs and build resilience.

Roundtable 7: Transportation

  • Cogestion harms the economy.
  • Seamless, complete multimodal system so private vehicle ownership unnecessary for most.