Transportation Roundtable Emerging Theme: Quality as a Priority

Quality as a Priority

19 Nov Transportation Roundtable Emerging Theme: Quality as a Priority

Throughout the seven roundtables, there were several ideas that resonated across groups. Out of these, we were able to identify three central themes.  The second theme is the need to place quality as a priority when planning our transportation system.  “Place Matters” is a common theme amongst urban thinkers. When thinking about the future of our transportation system, it is important that we understand that it is the quality of place, and the thoughtfulness of how we build and operate our city, that ultimately is the most important means to enhance the experience of the MetroCore and the rest of Metro Vancouver.

Here are some of the ideas that were shared around the need to make quality a priority in our transportation system:

Roundtable 1: Housing and Affordability

  • Rethinking how we use the system—not adding to the system;
  • How we get “there” determines what “there” is;
  • Area is such a crossroads with real interdependencies.

Roundtable 2: Pubic Spaces

  • Transit system can be seen as a form of regional public space, to differentiate the relationship between the MetroCore and the region;
    • The MetroCore belongs to you in Langley as much as it does to somebody in the West End.
  • Transit experience as a brand.

Roundtable 3: Vibrant Neighbourhoods

  • Integration connecting transportation nodes that give people more choice;
  • We can’t build our way out of congestion by building roads everywhere;
  • People first, not the mode, but how we get around and how we impact with our cities and neighbourhoods.

Roundtable 4: Jobs and Innovation

  • Transportation enables community connectivity.

Roundtable 5:  Community and Culture

  • How do create a MetroCore for everyone?
  • Prioritize the accessible city.

Roundtable 6: Health and Environment

  • Oasis for tranquility of mind;
  • Social health….transportation choice = housing choice;
  • Food systems as a community connector…. connective tissue for a healthy and sustainable city;
  • Increasing access to healthy and sustainable food at key transportation nodes.

Roundtable 7: Transportation

  • Culture change + complete network connectivity => efficient (and JOYFUL) movement of people and things….what catalysts are needed?
  • Pollution and climate.